Pediatric Counseling

Pediatric Counseling

Watershed offers counseling for young children dealing with many issues including grief, anxiety, behavioral problems, divorce, domestic problems, and more. Mary Carol Damon specializes in pediatric counseling.

  • Grief

  • Unexpected loss

  • Co-dependency

  • Chronic illness

  • Attachment issues

  • Episodes of sadness, tearfulness, or depression

  • Social withdrawal or isolation

  • Mood swings

  • Overly aggressive behavior (biting, kicking, hitting)

  • Difficulty adjusting to social settings

  • Discipline issues

  • Disruptive behavior at home and/or school

  • Separation anxiety

  • Single parenting and step-parenting

  • Adoption/foster care

  • Family substance abuse

  • Problems with transitions like separation, divorce, or relocation

  • Blended families

  • Domestic violence

  • Experiencing or witnessing violence

  • Sexual abuse

  • Sleep issues (nightmares, night terrors, bedtime routines, poor sleeping habits)

  • Anxiety

  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

  • Defiance and temper tantrums

  • Physical aggression

  • OCD

  • Refusing to go to school

  • ADHD (or other learning or attention problems)

  • Development issues

  • Physical disabilities

  • Exceptional needs

  • Incontinence