House of Cards Falling: The Parallel Between Frank Underwood and Porn

I have to make a confession, but you have to understand that it is a secret. So don’t tell anyone, okay? It is about one of my guilty pleasures. Here it goes…I watch the Netflix original series House of Cards. I can’t help it. I have tried to quit four times but cannot seem to stay away.What’s that you say? Why is this such a secret? Why would I feel guilty about this? Well, those are good questions. Let me explain.In short it is because of two words: Frank Underwood. Yeah, ole Frank or, to his wife, Claire, simply Francis. You see, Frank is a very complex, narcissistic, intelligent, polarizing, power-driven, charismatic, intriguing, persuasive and likable character. Well, likable unless you get in his way. For those of you who haven’t or will not watch it, I would suggest picturing in your mind the combination of Donald Trump, James Bond, Kanye West, WWE’s Jon Cena, Michael Jordan, Adolf Hitler and Pee Wee Herman (okay, I got carried away with that last one!) only infinitely more complex, savvy, cunning, grandiose and persuasive. He can transform between any one of them and be any combination of them simultaneously. You get the picture yet?The rules don’t apply to Frank. He has an uncanny ability to initially draw people in to support his goals without them knowing his true motives… only to then blindside them, rob them and violate their dignity. Then before they come to their senses, he follows the blow by applying the balm to their wounds with exact, euphoric precision. They walk away knowing they were wounded deeply. However, Mr. Underwood’s response is so full of assertiveness, confidence and timely compassion they are left with uncertainty and disorientation of who or what to trust, or how to interpret what really happened. The result is amnesia of how badly they were bamboozled and they become unable to avoid Mr. Underwood’s deceit, craftiness and allure.There is something very astounding about his ability to use a chain saw to do open heart surgery on so many, yet continue to have hospital privileges AND patients. Just when you think people will catch on and limit his power, he manages to speak straight to their desires or fears and they go into cardiac arrest in his hospital, needing surgery once again.Few can actually resist or stand up to him. Even his greatest enemies cannot avoid his strategies, which bind them to him once again. Mr. Underwood creates an illusion that they need or depend upon him, despite their utter hatred towards him.Perhaps their greater hate, though, is towards themselves. When presented with another chance to engage with Mr. Underwood, they enter with a new level of determination and resolve to avoid being trapped by his schemes. Yet each and every time, they have to face their own personal humiliation and shame that they walked into the same familiar trap as before. The psychological toll this takes is distressing to watch. Allegiances are made to Mr. Underwood at an unbearable price—one’s soul. These characters have made a deal with the devil and some of them know it more intimately than others.No matter how the relationship begins, all those who tangle with Frank Underwood slowly have their hope of freedom strangled out of them. He does not negotiate with those he intends to rule.

In many ways, the person of Frank Underwood has the same effect on people as pornography. The parallels between the two are staggering.

Let’s take a look at some of them. In the same way Frank Underwood does, porn:

  • initially invites you into an experience that promises to fulfill your dreams or desires with no strings attached and little to no cost to yourself.

  • forces you into playing by its rules while robbing you of your perspective and dignity.

  • has no mercy for your weaknesses, doesn’t feel intimidated by your strengths, nor contempt towards you because it is not concerned about what you could do to it.

  • does not care if or how you become trapped in its path.

  • generates the illusion of dependence that you will not survive without it or the delusion that it can actually enhance the fulfillment of your desires by trusting in it.

  • leads you to feel ashamed and humiliated for believing the lie that it promises every time.

  • reinforces a self-hatred and powerlessness that you cannot avoid despite your aspirations for life, love and freedom.

I suppose these are the reasons that House of Cards is a guilty pleasure for me. Mr. Underwood symbolizes the battle against something that is insatiable and will take no prisoners—the battle against an enemy that is easily underestimated in its scope, range and power.The show is building towards an ending that I anticipate will see Frank’s house of cards inevitably fall with glorious weight and force. Only then will it be revealed who escaped its destruction and who did not. Likewise, whether you are just entertaining or fully engulfed in a relationship with pornography, it is only a matter of time before your house of cards will fall. Who knows, perhaps it is already falling. What you do now may be the difference between whether you can escape utter destruction or not.For help in your escape towards life and light again call today and make an appointment.

Russ Schulte

Russ seeks to live an authentic, simple and humble life in the Lord, surrendering to God’s call wherever He leads. He and his wife have have been married beyond twenty years and have four daughters. They have experienced the joys and pitfalls of being a licensed foster care family in Mississippi which was how they adopted their youngest daughter. Russ grew up in St. Louis, MO, and loves watching Cardinal baseball, enjoys working with his hands creating or rehabbing projects, and generally looks for new ways to keep his sanity in the midst of a house full of amazing women.


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